Terms and conditions of use
Using Vouchers
To apply a voucher to your purchase you must click on the Cart link (next to the Checkout link). If you click the Checkout link it will bypass the voucher input page. You will see a text box where you can apply your voucher code. Now you can continue shopping or go straight to Checkout. Please use the voucher codes you have. In many cases they are in limited supply, so if you don't use it, you may come back later to find the voucher supply has been exhausted. In that case, better luck next time :)
Usage of Add-Ons
Magic Carpet Service
This is a service we provide as an add-on for your safety and convenience.
It is basically intended to be a ride home and the driver is only obligated to deliver riders to one destination. The payment for your ride will be given to the driver before the ride begins, unless you specify otherwise. The amount paid to the driver will be the cost of the Magic Carpet ride purchased minus $10, which is the service fee. Beyond this, there is no further involvement or obligation from Big 40 or Galaxy 9. If the cost of the trip(s) exceeds the Magic carpet payment provided, the matter is to be resolved between the purchaser and other riders and the driver and/or the driver's licensing company.
Photo Ops
Photo Ops are availabe while supplies last. Paper, ink, printer & camera functionality, and so-on.
If it's not possible to provide you with the end product, the printed picture, a full refund will be given.
If a photo is purchased, but the ticket holder leaves the event (and event ends, or Photo Ops sessions have ended) before making use of it or leaves the picture behind or loses it, no refund will be given.
Bottle Buckets & Tubs
These must be reserved at least 1 1/2 weeks before the event.
If the order is cancelled after 5 business days [M-F] from original order date [on 6th date or later], there is a 50% cancellation fee applied.
Event Access
How Tickets/Reservations Work
Soon there will be a process added which will generate a file you can print or store and bring to the event to gain access [E-ticket].
At this point in time you can simply print and bring your invoice/receipt as proof of purchase. The invoice/receipt has details about everything purchased and will suffice. For added security please be prepared to provide legal identification in case it becomes necessary.
Multiple reservations under one name
We identify orders with more than one admission. If you have purchased multiple admissions, just be sure they know to give your name and invoice/receipt number to the door person. We will keep track of remaining reservations under that name and number.
EarlyBird Admission Details
EarlyBird admission is our show of appreciation for everyone who prefers to get their reservations long in advance and/or simply want to show support whether or not they in tend to attend the event. Advanced reservations help us adequately provide accommodations for the expected crowd, which works favorably for event organizers and staff as well as all attendees. For this we price the EarlyBird advanced admission at an extremely low price. However, EarlyBird admissions are non-refundable, but are valid for admission to future events unless otherwise specified. In consideration of this, Earlybird prices are low enough that they can be given to others as gifts or resold easily at cost price without much, if any difficulty. Thank you for your understanding and your support is always greatly appreciated.